The “Support to Armenia – Turkey Rapprochement” (SATR) project kicked off in October 2010 with an aim to contribute to normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations and establishment of a favorable environment for state-to-state dialogue and interaction. The project is jointly implemented by a Consortium of four Armenian organizations: Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia (UMBA), Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), International Center for Human Development (ICHD), and Yerevan Press Club (YPC) with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
USAID and the Consortium Members support Armenia-Turkey rapprochement by facilitating engagement between civil society groups, establishment and development of business partnerships and regional professional networks, and enhanced understanding between the people, for peace and economic integration in the region.
UMBA coordinates the business strand of the SATR program. As part of the project, UMBA is working to enhance business-to-business cooperation between Armenia and Turkey through facilitating the establishment of new bilateral partnerships and joint business platforms. The target fields of the business strand include but are not limited to: Manufacturing, Tourism, Agriculture, IT / Communication Transport, Construction / building materials, Construction Engineering.
Through joint efforts of UMBA and the Consortium, in cooperation with Turkish partners, the scope of the business strand is constantly extending to include new areas of cooperation between businesses in Armenia and Turkey. UMBA works closely with the Turkish-Armenian Business Development Council (TABDC) in Turkey to promote advancement of common interests across the region through establishment of business links.