New Year's message from Arsen Ghazaryan, President of the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia

Dear compatriots, esteemed colleagues,

It is time to summarize the past year—what was done and left undone, the achievements made, and to outline the tasks for the future.
The passing year, 2024, was not an easy one, whether in terms of moral and psychological challenges, security issues, or economic activities. Explosions of deadly shells continued in various hotspots across the globe, geopolitical processes often took on harsh forms, and tensions did not ease in our region either. All these factors, undoubtedly, had an unfavorable impact on public sentiments, economic developments, and people’s lifestyles.

Despite the existing objective and subjective obstacles, we must acknowledge that in the economic sphere, we managed to ensure certain growth in our country during the past year. Many sectors recorded positive indicators, created new production capacities, and generated numerous jobs. In all this, Armenian business played a commendable role with its daily work, constant searches, resilience in the face of obstacles, and innovative solutions.

In December 2024, the 9th regular congress of the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia took place, summarizing the work carried out over the past five years and the successes achieved, but with a greater focus on existing issues and future tasks. The importance of further steps to protect and support the interests of the business community was highlighted, as well as active and constructive participation in legislative processes, uniting the efforts of entrepreneurs to enhance dialogue efficiency with state bodies.

Priorities were emphasized, such as introducing new technologies and innovative approaches into the economy, applying efficient methods in production and management processes, improving the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, establishing a presence in new export markets, and increasing the volume of export-oriented production. Most importantly, the congress concluded that the business sector is ready and determined to overcome emerging challenges and to responsibly undertake the heavy mission of being the economic creator.

Dear compatriots and entrepreneurs,
I extend my heartfelt congratulations for the upcoming New Year, 2025. May it be a year of peace, health, productive work, creative achievements, and joy.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!