Page 1 - index
P. 1


, Dear Friend,
Armenia has entered a new stage
, of development, striving to create a
Э more powerful and stable country. The
. , Armenian business community is at the
forefront of this development which has
, , now broader opportunities like never
, . before.
, Expansion of production, identifcaЭ
, tion of existing opportunities in new secЭ
, Э tors, creation of wellЭpaid jobs for our
, citizens is among priority issues for us.
. Eforts for the economic development have been
continuously changing the requirements towards workЭ
, Э force due to more intelligent and competent young peoЭ
Э ple entering into the labor market. They form the new
. workforce and the new generation of business people. It
. Э is important to trust and promote young and competent
professionals in private companies while making comЭ
, Э prehensive eforts towards continuous modernization
, Э and improvement within the companies and introducЭ
. tion of new thinking and business culture.
, , Э Its time to move from talks to action and develop
, , Э knowledgeЭbased economy, the precondition of which
, Э is the intellectual potential of our nation. We should
. ensure the gradual transition between the generations
free from any constraints. Our goal is to create a fexiЭ
. ble and upЭtoЭdate economic system in consistency with
, Э the new thinking in order to promote enabling business
. environment in Armenia attractive both for internal and
, external investors.
. Consistent qualitative improvement of production
, , Э and corporate culture should become priority for those
who have proven success record in business. One should
. never be relaxed with what has been achieved to date.
. Many of our compatriots managed to succeed
Э abroad using their talents, with their success reaching
. the homeland anyway. However, our vision and attenЭ
. tion should be on our country, especially focusing on
Э the remote villages of Armenia. An important part of our
. programs should be targeted to the true warriors the
Э population of these settlements which are unemployed
, and lef alone with their issues.
Э The entrepreneurial talent of business people
. should be treated as a value today. There is nothing
Э more moral than the need for work. The issue of emЭ
. ployment must be addressed through our close collabЭ
, . Э oration with the state.
Э Its time to fully reveal our strength and potential
. in our home country Armenia. We must do this by conЭ
Э tinuing what has been started in the early years of indeЭ
. , pendence by facing the challenges of the new world and
, moving forward.
, Entrepreneurship is the Archimedean point to serve
. the basis for the prosperity of Armenia.
| Arsen Ghazaryan | UMBA President
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