The delegation of the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia was in Denmark on June 18-19 for the study visit at the invitation of the Danish Industry (DI). The two-day visit was organized within the framework of the agreements reached during the meeting of the representatives of Danish Industry in April of the current year.
During the many meetings held, the leadership of the DI, the officials and experts of the relevant departments introduced the UMBA representatives to the structure, the services provided by the Confederation of Danish Industry, the carbon borders of the EU adjustment mechanisms, the Danish model of economic management, the process of building the Brussels bloc. ESG related topics, sustainability report, opportunities for cooperation in the energy sector were presented and discussed during the visit.
According to the head of the delegation, the First Vice-President of the UMBA, Nerses Karamanukyan, the program of the visit was full and well organized. In a short period of time, the Danish partners transferred their experience in various fields and a huge amount of useful information to their Armenian colleagues.
As a result of the visit, it was decided that the DI delegation will visit Armenia in the coming September, during which the extended meeting with the UMBA members will be organized and the directions of further cooperation with the UMBA will be finalized.