The managing bodies of UMBA are: the Assembly, the Board, the Presidium, the President. The supreme managing body of the Union is the Assembly, which is held not less than once in 3 years.
The Assembly of the Union is empowered to insert additions, to incorporate changes and ratify the Union’s new Charter as well as to ratify the reports of the Board and the Supervising Commission, perspective programs of the Union’s activities. The Delegates of the Assembly elect the Board, the Supervising Commission, and in case of need make decisions about reorganization or cessation of UMBA’ s activities
The President of the Union is the Chief official of UMBA, he represents Union’s interests in the governmental and legislative bodies, in public, international and foreign organizations. The President acts in accordance with the decisions of the Assembly, the Board, the Presidium and the Charter of the Union. The President of the Union at present is also the member of the Business Support Council (BSC) which has been established by the decree of the President of RA. BSC implements its activities under the chairmanship of the Prime-Minister of RA.
The Board of the Union Union is empowered to elect vice-presidents, form permanent and temporary commissions of the Union, found representations, branches of UMBA both on the territory of RA as well as in foreign countries. The Assembly of the Union determines and ratifies the number of the Board members and its personnel. Board meetings are held once in 3 months.
The Presidium of the Union is elected by the Board of UMBA, it settles the issues concerning the membership and walkout, and also issues provided by the Charter. The Presidium meetings are held not less than once in a month, where every Board member can participate with the right of decisive vote.
The Board of the Union coordinates the activities of the Union in the following directions:
• legal protection of the interests of businessmen and improvement of economic legislation,
• international relations,
• promotion of export (organization of business-forums, exhibitions and other events)
• advocacy of the domestic manufacturers,
• development of small and medium businesses,
• assistance to attracting of foreign investments,
• finance and credit policy and equity market,
• ensuring of the quality of production and Services, their competitiveness and certification
• training and retraining of highly skilled specialists for doing business.