Informational activities
The main function of UMBA’s informational service is to provide information to the managing bodies and the members of the Union using contemporary communication systems. By using global and local computer networks the information is timely brought to the attention of the Union members. UMBA actively cooperates with mass media, scientists, R&D groups. The members of the Union attach high importance to contacts with mass media. They regularly appear in press with economic and political reviews, conceptual suggestions, opinions concerning the situation of the country’s economy, about perspectives and problems of local manufacturers. The informational field includes analysis of publications in mass media, TV programs, issues on cooperation with Armenian and foreign organizations, advertisements and announcements. The informational activities of the Union are aimed to promote the establishment and lobbying of the interests of entrepreneurship in the country.
Support to economic reforms
Within the last five years there has been a stable economic growth of GDP in Armenia: it has made 13.6% in 2003 and 10.5% in 2004. A definite contribution to this have made UMBA and its members who, using their intellectual and financial potential, expand their companies, scope of activities, create new workplaces. In particular, the essential part (about 70%) of financial arrivals into State budget with regard to tax proceeds is provided by the members of the Union and this also tends to grow from year to year. The Union is frequently involved in state economic and social programs implemented in Armenia, the most important of which today are “The Strategic Program of Poverty Reduction” and “The Anticorruption Strategic Program”. Many economic projects of the Union are supported by international organizations such as: the Eurasia Foundation, the European Union, the World Bank, UNDP, USAID and others. Besides the Union has implemented and takes part in the implementation of the following projects:
• The Eurasia Foundation – Monitoring and Support to Liberalization of Economic Legislation
• VET – a program which supports the development of an integrated and unified vocational education training system in Armenia directed to training experts in accordance with the needs of businesses, also aimed at increasing the employment in RA.
• AEPLAC – Armenian European Policy and Legal Advice Center, aimed at improving the RA legislation in accordance with EU criteria, particularly in tax and customs fields.
• Together with “Armenian Merchants” NGO, establishment of the “Armenian Foundation of Independent Analyses” in April 2004,, the mission of which is to support the creation of favorable environment for businesses and formation of dialogue between the state and the society through independent analyses and researches.
• Together with OSCE, implementation of the “Assessment of Corruption Risks in Customs Services of the Republic of Armenia” program In November 2004.
• The EU BAS program, which supports provision of business consultation.
• Cooperation with the French University of Armenia in training experts capable to found their own businesses and to manage companies.
• Cooperation with the International Labour Organization in the sphere of social welfare, creation of safe and secure work conditions.
The Union plays the lead role in organizing of discussions of draft laws and legislative changes and coordination of the participation of the interested parties – governmental and non-governmental organizations, representatives of private businesses. In these regards the participation of UMBA in the following discussions may be mentioned: the discussion of the draft of “The RA Law on Tax Inspections”, discussion of “The RA Law on Social Cards”, discussion of the draft of the Labour Legislation, discussion of “The RA Law on Social Security of the Population in case of employment and unemployment”. UMBA supports the implementation of some social and cultural programs. Particularly, notable financial assistance has been rendered to the “Golden Apricot” First International Film Festival, to the construction of “North-South” highway in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, “Chess” Academy etc.